Growth isn't the only goal

I'm sharing 20 insights in 20 minutes from my 20 years in business.

Today's insight is that growth is not the only goal.

I've said before, define your own success, but quite often there'll be this assumption that once you get started, you're going to grow and expand and that this is what we're here to do.

Now, for some people, that is what they're there to do, but that is not for everyone.

For me, I made the conscious decision from day one that that was not going to be my path.

I didn't want to have 100 consultants working for me. I wanted to be independent. If I had wanted to take that approach, then there would have possibly been better options, like going and working for an already established larger firm, if what I wanted to do was lead large teams, and be in that supervisory and management role over other consultants.

But that wasn't my purpose and that was not my goal.

So now, after 20 years, still being a one person consulting firm, albeit with administrative support and other people around me, but with no desire or intent to employ other consultants and take that approach to growth in my business.

And so I think it's important that that's a conscious choice, that's a deliberate decision, and that's the choice that I've made.

It doesn't mean that's the choice that you might make or what others might make.

But again, don't let anybody else tell you what your choice should be.

For me, this is a measure of success, even though other people might look and say, oh, other companies are bigger and that might be perceived as better, but that is not necessarily the case.

Bigger is not necessarily better.

Size doesn't necessarily matter.

What's important is, are you doing the work that you want to do and are you achieving the goals that you've personally set for yourself?


Trust your instincts


Freedom comes at a cost