Don't do it for the lifestyle

Don't do it for the ’lifestyle’.

I’m celebrating 20 years since I established my business by sharing 20 short insights on what I’ve learned from the experience.

You'll get a lot of people who think that they’ll suddenly have choices and options and a whole lot of flexibility and a really leisurely lifestyle if they start a business.

Now, certainly you will have some autonomy over what you do and you will have some flexibility. But in my experience, what that means is you get to choose which 80 hours of the week you want to work.

It doesn't mean that all of a sudden you're going to have a leisurely life. So if that's why you are deciding to start a business or leave your current job, then I would say think twice before you do that because it's certainly not the easy path, even though it may be a rewarding one.


Define your own success


Celebrating 20 years in business